
This website is devoted to provisional translations of Persian and Arabic writings pertaining to the Bahá’í Faith, primarily works revealed by its prophet-founder Bahá’ulláh. The site is home to translations of related writings as well, such as those by Bahá’ulláh’s son and successor, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Its purpose is to make available to an English-speaking audience formerly untranslated writings relevant to the Bahá’í Faith, with new translations being added regularly.

Although the number of authorized translations of the Bahá’í holy scriptures is vast, there remains a need for quality provisional translations for those yearning to immerse themselves in the ocean that is the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh. I have thus chosen writings that have either not already been translated, are little known, or are of particular academic and spiritual interest. My hope, in sum, is to belie the words of the poet Thomas Gray,

Full many a flow’r is born to blush unseen,

And waste its fragrance on the desert air

and ensure that these things of beauty will be “a joy forever,” to paraphrase the immortal words of Keats. 

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